kit-contract edge

BuiltInContracts module
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This module contains some Built-in Contracts The easiest way to use them is to include Kit::Contract::BuiltInContracts in your class/module.

  • Basic types
    • Any: succeeds for any argument.
    • Array: ensure that the argument is an ::Array. Index based constraints can also be expressed. See Array doc.
    • Args: variation of Array that lets you define contract for positional arguments.
    • BigDecimal: ensure that the argument is a ::BigDecimal.
    • Boolean: ensure that the argument is true or false.
    • Complex: ensure that the argument is a ::Complex.
    • FalseClass: ensure that the argument is a ::FalseClass.
    • Float: ensure that the argument is a ::Float.
    • Hash: ensure that the argument is a ::Hash. Key based constraints can also be expressed. See Hash doc.
    • Integer: ensure that the argument is a ::Integer.
    • Numeric: ensure that the argument is a ::Numeric.
    • Rational: ensure that the argument is a ::Rational.
    • String: ensure that the argument is a ::String.
    • Symbol: ensure that the argument is a ::Symbol.
    • TrueClass: ensure that the argument is a ::TrueClass.
    • Tupple: variation of Array with an implicit check on size.
  • Operations
    • And: ensure all contracts are successful
    • Optional: ensure that if there is a value, it it not nil
    • Or: ensure at least one contract is successful
  • Dependent types
    • Callable: alias of RespondTo[:call]
    • Enum: alias of In
    • Eq: ensure that the argument equals the given value
    • In: ensure the argument is part of a given collection of objects / values
    • NotEq: ensure that the argument does not equal the given value
    • NotIn: ensure that the argument is not part of a given collection of objects / values
    • RespondTo: ensure that the object respond_to? a specific method

Link to this section Summary ⚠️ Private APIs are currently hidden.

Link to this section Constants 20

Ensure that the argument is a ::BigDecimal.


Ensure that the argument is true or false.

Or[IsA[::TrueClass], IsA[::FalseClass]

Ensure the argument respond_to(:call)


Ensure the argument is an Array of Callable


Ensure that the argument is a ::Complex.


Ensure that the argument is a ::FalseClass.


Ensure that the argument is a ::Float.


Ensure that the argument is an ::Integer.


Ensure that the Contract argument is a negative ::Integer.

And[Integer, ->(size) { size < 0 }]

Ensure that the argument is a ::Numeric.


Ensure that the Contract argument is a positive ::Integer.

And[Integer, ->(size) { size > 0 }]

Ensure that the argument is a ::Rational.


Ensure that the argument is a ::String.


Ensure that the argument is a ::Symbol.


Ensure that the argument is a ::TrueClass.
